Digital Literacy Webinars

Whether it’s recovering a lost password or online privacy rights, we’ll show you how to navigate life online with more confidence and security. Navigating the internet can be challenging; however, it should not hinder your life. CT Consulting provides webinars and other infographic material to assist everyday consumers in understanding their rights and responsibilities for traversing digital terrain.  We aim to be a safe space for all skill levels!

  • Topics include:

    • Protecting Your Organization’s Data

    • State Privacy Compliance

    • Protecting Children’s Data

One on One Privacy Consultation

Protecting your company’s data is paramount for competitive businesses today. Moreover, the U.S. privacy landscape is rapidly developing, making a grasp on privacy regulations necessary for success. Our one-on-one consultations offer expertise on the privacy compliance your organization needs to protect your business and your customers’ data.

Privacy Strategy

Creating a comprehensive privacy strategy entails creating a culture of compliance, preventative measures, and instituting the necessary foundation to reduce risk.